GhostWriter Airshow is a true 3-act performer! We can start the show with our 350hp, 200mph, screaming, smoking airshow display. We raise the crowd to their feet and let everyone know the show has begun! Looping, rolling and long verticals show the crowd what a 50’s era trainer on steroids can do.
Come night time, the GhostWriter puts on a celebration of light over dark with 4000 LED lights and over 250lbs of pyrotechnics attached to the airplane. Fully customizable lights and pyro allows us to tailor the show to your theme. Veterans Salute – Red/White/Blue! Local High School/College color – Easy!
Included for all airshows we perform at – SKYWRITING! Up sell your sponsors by offering a 10-MILE wide billboard in the sky. The GhostWriter is specifically designed for skywriting up to 24 characters per flight, meaning we can advertise “AIRSHOW” and your sponsors across local and surrounding cities.